Monday, June 7, 2010

Apartment in Phuket

This is our apartment in Phuket, I'll post more video when I have it. Great view to grind to, playing on the balcony when I get the chance, just been enjoying the culture so far though.


  1. If you play Stars you should change your seatpic to a picture of your balcony view. I would love to be there right now. Who knows soon! :D
    How long you staying btw? Perhaps I read over it.

  2. man thats a nice apartment. how long you staying over there for.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. thanks, not set up with playing internet yet so i'll have to wait til i set up my secure connection

  5. How did you find this place? How much is it?

  6. i found the place by searching via motor bike when i was here, rather not say the price on here, alot cheaper than a place like this would cost in the US for a month though at a 5star resort
